
Published on:

14th Jun 2024

195. How seniors can stay safe and hydrated during the summer heat

Why are seniors more likely to get dehydrated? How can they stay safe in the summer heat?

Summer is here, and with triple-digit heat in Texas, this means it’s a great time to revisit senior safety. Dehydration and heat stroke are big risks for older adults, so it’s important to stay informed and know how to lower your risk.

First, it’s helpful to understand why seniors are at risk of dehydration and heat stroke. As seniors age, their sense of thirst decreases. Some medications may also cause them to lose more fluid and become dehydrated. Unfortunately, many seniors are also going through financial hardships so may not have fully functioning air conditioning. Paired together, this can quickly become dangerous.

To prevent dehydration and heat stroke for yourself and your loved ones, follow these 3 essential tips:

1. Encourage regular fluid intake. Water is best, but if you don’t like the taste, you can try flavored waters, tea, or have hydrating foods like fruits and soup.

2. Dress appropriately and stay cool. Wear loose, lightweight clothing, especially if the home is on the warmer side because seniors can dehydrate in their own home. Use air conditioning or go somewhere that’s air conditioned, like a café, shopping center or library.

3. Monitor and limit outdoor activity. Stay inside during the hottest parts of the day, which is typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. but can be later too. Be sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat, wear sunscreen and find shade if you have to be outside.

Everyone wants to have a fun and safe summer, so be sure to follow these tips and share with your loved ones too.


Topics discussed:

- Senior safety

- Dehydration prevention

- Heat stroke in older adults

- Why seniors get dehydrated

- Summer safety tips

Takeaways from this episode:

- Dehydration is when your body loses more fluids than it takes in, while heat stroke is a severe form of heat illness that occurs when your body’s temperature regulation fails.

- Don’t prefer to drink water? Time yourself to have sips every so often, or opt for hydrating foods like watermelon, cucumber, popsicles and more.

- It’s not easy to get someone to drink if they don’t want to. If you’re a caregiver, don’t guilt yourself too much if you’re struggling to get them to drink water.

- It’s crucial to have an air-conditioned environment. Visit a senior center or go the mall or your local library if your air conditioning isn't functioning.

- Stay inside and avoid strenuous activity during the hottest part of the day.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

To suggest a topic, be a guest or support the podcast, please email Lori@Loriwilliams-seniorservices.com

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Dehydration in seniors:


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Aging in Style with Lori Williams
Aging in Style with Lori Williams is a positive and uplifting podcast with the goal of inspiring people of all ages to live their best life. Hosted by senior living expert Lori Williams, this show provides education and resources on all aspects of senior living. You will meet inspirational seniors, who are aging with grace and making the most of their senior years. Be ready to change your bias about age, reinvent yourself, and live a more meaningful life!

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Lori Williams