
Published on:

19th Jul 2024

200. Surrounded by Love: Live Reading of my Book's First Chapter and Taking Audience Questions

I am beyond excited to welcome you to the 200th episode of "Aging in Style." It's incredible to think that we've come this far, and I am so grateful for your ongoing support. This episode is particularly special for me because it coincides with the launch of my new book, "Surrounded by Love: One Family’s Journey Through Stroke Recovery."

I launched the book on Amazon in the third week of July, and it's already topping new release categories in aging parents and strokes. I'm thrilled and truly believe this book will reach the individuals who need it most – caregivers, advocates of critically ill loved ones, and anyone who might find solace and guidance in our story.

Our Story

For those of you who have been following along with the podcast, you know my story. My husband, Mark, had the first in a series of four strokes on Christmas Day 2022. This unexpected journey has taught us so much about strokes, caregiving, grief, and significantly strengthened my faith. I've shared much of this on the podcast, but I wanted to compile our experiences and insights into a book that could potentially help prevent strokes and assist others in similar situations. Statistically, 80 percent of strokes are preventable, and sharing this knowledge is my mission.

Live Stream Highlights

Recently, we hosted a live stream where I did a reading of the first chapter from my book and took audience questions. Despite a few technical difficulties initially, we had a great turnout and lots of engagement from viewers. I am immensely grateful to those who participated, and I want to share some key moments from that livestream.

Live Reading of Chapter One

The first chapter of my book, titled "The Moment Life Changed," covers the day Mark had his first stroke. I've re-lived that day countless times, wondering if I could have done anything differently. The chapter describes our Christmas day, the suddenness of the stroke, and our frantic rush to the hospital. The immediacy of the situation and the ensuing medical procedures are etched into my memory – from recognizing the signs of a stroke using the FAST acronym (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) to the life-changing experience of having Mark transported by helicopter to urgent care.

The chapter also highlights the importance of being an effective advocate for a loved one in medical crises and how crucial it is to have knowledgeable support systems in place. Writing down and sharing my feelings, day-to-day experiences, and the medical processes we navigated has been therapeutic and, I hope, will be beneficial to others.

Audience Q&A

During the live stream, viewers asked some insightful questions:

  1. Role in ICU: When in the ICU with a loved one, it's vital to ask questions and stay informed about their condition. I relied heavily on my medical background and support from friends and family in the healthcare field to navigate through Mark's care.
  2. Faith's Role: My faith has grown stronger through this ordeal. While such an event could fracture one’s faith, for me, it provided strength and a perspective that we could turn this challenging journey into something positive.
  3. Content of the Book: Viewers were curious about the writing process and what I chose to include or leave out. I aimed to be as honest and comprehensive as possible, albeit removing a few potentially contentious sections under advice.

Reflection and Moving Forward

As we celebrate this podcast milestone and the launch of my book, I am filled with gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose. Your support fuels my mission to raise awareness about stroke prevention and caregiving. If our story can help even one person, it will all have been worth it.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Around 80% of Strokes are preventable.
  2. Witnessing a stroke can be scary but the key thing to act FAST.
  3. Asking questions to medical staff is key throughout every stage.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Get my new book, 'Surrounded by Love: One's Family Journey Through Stroke Recovery': https://loriwilliams-seniorservices.com/book

To suggest a topic, be a guest or support the podcast, please email Lori@Loriwilliams-seniorservices.com

For more senior resources and to sign up for the newsletter, please visit:





You can find my book, "Surrounded by Love: One Family’s Journey Through Stroke Recovery," on Amazon. It is available as a Kindle, hardcover, paperback, and also on Audible. More details can be found on my website:


What is Emelita's closet and how it supports the community:


Mentioned in this episode:

Surrounded by Love

You can find my book, "Surrounded by Love: One Family’s Journey Through Stroke Recovery," on Amazon. It is available as a Kindle, hardcover, paperback, and also on Audible. More details can be found on my website: https://loriwilliams-seniorservices.com/book

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About the Podcast

Aging in Style with Lori Williams
Aging in Style with Lori Williams is about finding the silver lining no matter what life throws at you. Whether you're a caregiver or an older adult, you can count on author and award-winning senior living expert Lori Williams to provide you with education and resources on all aspects of aging. The podcast will introduce you to aging experts and inspirational seniors.
Lori pulls from her experience as the caregiver for her husband Mark who is a stroke survivor, and shares how to pay for care, navigate senior housing options, advocate for your loved one's care, and most importantly, learn to thrive not just survive as you age.

About your host

Profile picture for Lori Williams

Lori Williams